Na Hoa Holomoku Yacht Club Of Hawaii

Na Hoa Holomoku of Hawaii Yacht Club aims to promote all forms of boating in East Hawaii. It is working towards setting up a permanent base for sailing activities in Hilo, and is eager to encourage cooperation and activities with other boating associations, youth organizations, and yacht clubs.

Each month we have two club sail days, a Board of Directors meeting and a workday. The first Saturday of the month offers an opportunity for club members to get sailing instruction. We try to add fun race days and run several formal races through the year. For details, see our calendar.

Every meeting is a an opportunity to shoot the breeze with other boaters. So come down and join the fun! See you there.

Members Area - Study Guides, boat status, worklists etc

The Study Guides, boat status, work lists etc are all in the Members Only Area

2023 Winter Sailing Camp Registration
Registration is now open for 2023 Winter Sailing Camps.

Click HERE to register.

Feel free to call, text, or email with any questions.

Coach Rhonda